Monday, June 18, 2012

Important inflection point in financial markets

I have been doing extensive research on a number of models lately.  The technical outlook has not changed.  The key question is the "world depression" over or will we just have a normal major correction in the United States of at least 19%?  Let me ponder the question for a moment while I type.  Now I have the the answer.  While investors were focusing on "old news" regarding the Greek election, France's elections were ignored.  Let's have some fun and just think for a moment if Germany decides to leave the Euro.  Why not? They are the strongest country in the EU and why bailout a number of weaker countries?  In addition, the economic indicators in Europe are falling rapidly even if the banks are bailed out.  Think the U.S. is exempt from Europe?  Do you know where your money market funds have been investing lately for yield? Probably in Europe.  Watch Spain and Italy closely.  Spain's yields shot up over 7% today and Italy is too big to bailout with funds from the ESM. With the U.S. politicians in gridlock until election day, do not look for any action on the tax cuts expiring this year. Since the stock market looks ahead, the world economies are looking pretty weak and all correlated now. Look out below!  

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